Little Man is 5 months today, and I apparently forgot to blog about Big Sister this month. That's okay - I don't think too much has changed on her side of things, except that she now goes to the bathroom on the potty sometimes! Other than that, I'll save her update for a Big Bad Two Year Old post in about two and a half weeks. In my last update I posted about Soren's major sleep regression. A few days later I took him to his 4 month check up and found out that he had only gained two pounds in two months. He dropped pretty significantly from the 60th percentile to the 15th. Our doctor (who I love and trust) advised that she would have liked to see more of a gain in weight and that the sleeping and eating elements were likely quite intertwined. She suggested nursing him and then topping him off with formula, pumping extra to increase my supply, and starting solids. I'm a busy momma. I love nursing my baby and absolutely, 100% believe that ...
MederFam5. Mostly vegan. Annual Away = Mom and Dad trip w/o the kids. Adventures + mundane = us.