Justin started his new job this week which means my nights will be consistently more lonely; however, I'm grateful for a hard-working husband. At the end of May Justin was told that his company was down-sizing and after six years of employment, June 2012 would be his last month on payroll. That's a big pill to digest with Baby #1 on the way, but neither of us felt terrified or anxious about the situation. We knew that we had been wise with our money and that this wasn't the worst possible scenario. I also knew that Justin was out of a job, but he wouldn't be out of work. He is a wonderful provider. For a few weeks he hit the pavement hard looking for another job. When he wasn't looking for a job he working at home doing chores around our house - such a blessing. We typically have a pretty equal amount of house chores. We try to do the chores that the other person dislikes. I hate cleaning bathrooms, so that has a...
MederFam5. Mostly vegan. Annual Away = Mom and Dad trip w/o the kids. Adventures + mundane = us.