This time of year always makes me pretty emotional. Almost six years ago we unexpectedly lost my brother, Ryan. Now, all these years later, I still tend to flashback to what life was like right before he passed. He and I were both students at Century College, and we would always get dinner together on Monday nights because I had a break between my afternoon and evening classes. Having always gone to a small Christian school, it was so nice to have my big brother show me the ropes. I always remember Ryan, but this time of year is a different kind of remembering, and it's always something specific that sets off the season. This morning it happened in church when we sang "Blessed Be Your Name." I immediately flashed back to Ryan's funeral which of course brought the tears on in no time. "Wow," I thought, "I can't believe it's already that time of year again." It didn't take long for me to begin processing the idea that my little V...
MederFam5. Mostly vegan. Annual Away = Mom and Dad trip w/o the kids. Adventures + mundane = us.