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Hard, but Good.

It has been way too long since I last blogged, but we have simply been too busy for me to keep up with my regular Sunday Summary.  Hopefully I am now back on track.

It's hard to believe that tomorrow Via will have been in this world for a whole month already.  The last 30 days have been hard, but good.  My mom stayed with us the first week after Via was born, and Justin was off work the whole time too. It was great.  Then, my mom went home and Justin went back to work and I was all alone at home with this tiny human.  To say I felt overwhelmed is an understatement.  I was freaked out of my mind! 

It was a hard second week.  I didn't quite have the napping thing down, and each feeding was taking an hour.  It was hard for me to tell if baby was hungry, tired, gassy, or just fussy and I felt so inadequate as a mom!  On Friday of the second week my sister, Rachel, arrived for a quick weekend visit and it is just what I needed!  She boosted my confidence so much.  She helped me help Via nap better and that alone made a world of difference.

After Rachel left, the countdown for our time remaining in Branson truly began.  After four years, two church bodies, several different jobs, and friendships made with many different people, it was time to say goodbye.  Wow.  When we moved to Branson we never expected to be there so long, and I certainly didn't imagine that leaving would be so hard.  Hard, but Good.  Hard to bid a fond farewell to so many fabulous friends.  Good to be close to family again and to feel like we can finally put down roots. 

On Monday, November 26, two guys arrived at our house at about 8:30 a.m.  By 1:00 p.m. they had packed up the entire contents of our home.  Literally.  I feel completely spoiled, and can't imagine ever having to move again without hiring a professional.  On Tuesday, two guys came and loaded our life into a 26 foot trailer.  We cleaned our apartment, had a final meal with Jordan and Julia at their place, and then hit the road.  About 15 hours later we pulled into our new temporary residence, the home of Larry and Kelli Mederich.  It was a long drive with a 3 week old baby, but we were just grateful to have made it safely.

We have been here for about 5 days now, and I have to say that staying in someone else's home is hard, but good.  Hard because there is no escaping the hint of a feeling that this is not my home, my space, etc, and there is just not the ability to walk from the bedroom to the bathroom in the nude.  It's also very good though.  It's good to have family that are willing to open their home and share their everything.  It's good to be a little bit humbled by this transitional situation and accept help from others.  Good because it's causing me to be stretched and to grow. 

As good as it is, I hope it doesn't last forever.  Justin and I are so excited to purchase our first home and we have begun to look in earnest.  On Friday we saw 6 homes, and on Wednesday the hunt continues.  Our goal is to put an offer on a house before my maternity leave ends.  I thought that the realtor would think I was crazy when I told her the timeline we were hoping for, but she seemed to think that it was very realistic.  We don't want to rush into anything foolishly, so please pray for wisdom.

Christmas is now only 23 days away and I'm so excited.  We get to celebrate close to family and with our new baby!  What a blessing.  Thanksgiving was a blessed occasion as well.  The Mederich's visited Branson and Jordan and Julia hosted a wonderful turkey dinner.  Here are a few pictures.

 Via's first Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving day crew.

Highlight of the day for this proud momma: Via's umbilical cord stump finally fell off!

Enjoying the lights at Silver Dollar City.


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