Once again I've gone too long without blogging. This time I have no excuse. I have the time, but I have apparently lacked the motivation. Let's see if I can't get back into my Sunday night blogging habit. I just love having a weekly record of Mederich life. In looking at past posts I get pretty teary when I remember how teeny tiny Via used to be. Sheesh. Via will be 6 months this Friday. She can sit on her own and loves to eat solids. Her vocal antics constantly crack up me and her daddy. She has quite the range, I only hope that she has my ear for music and her daddy's tempo. We are pretty settled in our new Oakdale home. Now that we are homeowners the list of projects is almost as long as our "Household Wants List." I will try to focus this coming Sunday's post on our house and include some pictures. Here are just a few pics from the last two months. Reading a book during our nightly routine of "Nekkid Baby Tim...
MederFam5. Mostly vegan. Annual Away = Mom and Dad trip w/o the kids. Adventures + mundane = us.