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Beach Bums

What a wonderful time of life.  It's summer in Minnesota and I'm living the dream with my sweet little family.

Via Update:
Via is 8 months and 10 days.   On May 11, when we were visiting Branson, Via woke up with her first tooth.  Janae was holding her and I was giving her a sip of water and we both heard her little tooth clink on the glass.  Exactly one week later her second bottom tooth broke through.  Fast forward to last night.....Baby had so much trouble going to sleep.  She cried and cried.  Finally we gave her some baby tylenol and Justin rocked her to sleep.  She definitely needed the extra snuggles, because she woke up this morning with two top teeth!  When we weighed her at home two weeks ago she was 19 pounds.  Chunkster for sure.  No crawling yet, but lots of creeping.  She walks very well with assistance and is working on pulling up.  If we stand her next to something she holds on and will even walk a bit while holding herself steady.  She is super talkative and has started doing these random screams when she is excited.  And she chuckles all the time.  We crack up at her all day long.

Home Life Update:
My job is going well.  Now that we live closer to my territory, I've gotten into a pretty good rhythm, and can say that I'm once again enjoying what I do.  Justin continues to amaze me as a rock-star stay-at-home dad and full-time student.  He does so much around the house and has made his own "Honey-Do List."  I think when you make the list yourself it's okay to call it a "To-Do List."  :)

Spiritual Life:
Since moving here in March we've visited 6 churches.  After praying about it we are excited about attending Valley Creek Church tomorrow with the intention of making it our home church.  They have a lot of great ways to get involved and we are excited to see where we can fit in and serve.  I'm so thankful to live in a country where there are a bunch of churches to choose from.  Religious freedom is something I don't take lightly, and our search for a church has once again reminded me of how very blessed I am.

Vacation Synopsis:
From July 3-10 we had the pleasure of spending time in Florida with the entire Larry Mederich Family while visiting Great Grandma Sylvia, Great Grandpa George, and Great Aunt Sharon.  We stayed in an amazing 4 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom house complete with a nice pool in the backyard and tons of living space to hang out in.  Via thoroughly enjoyed going to the beach, spending time in the pool, and meeting her Great Grandparents.  I was super nervous about flying with her, but she did really well.  On the outbound flight she was practically perfect.  When we were travelling home she was a little bit delirious because she was overtired, but she didn't cry too much.  Just when I thought it was going to be a terrible flight she zonked out. Thank you, Jesus!

A few pictures from our Florida Vacation:


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