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How Does This Happen

I don't know how it happens, but it has been over two months since I last blogged.  Summer has been fun and busy and it's hard to believe it's now drawing to a close.  Today I am wearing a long sleeve shirt and a fleece.  There will still be some hot days, but the dog days of summer seem to be over.

Via is changing every single day.  She is getting so mobile.  She is crawling everywhere, pulling up on everything, and thinks that her walking skills are better than they actually are.  She has gotten to the place where sometimes she will let go of whatever piece of furniture she is holding onto and take off toward whatever she wants.  Sometimes it goes better than others.  The other day she clobbered the dog.  Mila still wonders why we brought this baby home.  Via's vocabulary seems to be taking shape.  A lot of the time she says momma and dada and she seems to know who/what she is talking about.  In addition to what sounds like real words she is a constant noisemaker and she definitely speaks her own language.  I wish I knew what she was trying to say to me.  She has started to be really cuddly with stuffed animals, pillows, blankets, and people.  She rests her head on these things and says, "Aaa-aa" in a high and airy voice.  Super precious.

One of the highlights of living here is being able to be a part of Cabin Time at the Fisk Family Cabin.  It's nice to just have lazy cabin days with family and good food.  Via apparently doesn't nap very well at the cabin, so I enjoyed some naps with her on the swing.

We are making some local friends which is a good thing.  Justin is going to be playing acoustic guitar at our church's upcoming baptism and worship night.  He is becoming friends with the newly-hired worship leader. We also met a couple who has a sweet baby girl who is just a month older than Via.  They are coming to our house for dinner this week.  Yay for new friends!

Here are a few pictures from the past few weeks.

Enjoying a new chair from Aunt Sissy (Jasmine).

Being a total goober.  Look at those teeth!

 Heading out on her first boat ride.  She hated the life jacket, but loved the boat.

Sneaking in a nap at the cabin.  

Gobbling up some watermelon.

Her birthday is less than two months away and I keep talking about making a party plan.  It's probably time to start executing!  Pinterest, here I come!


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