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ViaGirl is 22 months old today.  I'm psyched out of my mind that we are only two months away from her 2nd birthday, because that means I can officially go into party planning mode.  Woop woop!

Via has become so great at independent play lately.  It blows my mind the things that she can keep herself busy with.  It seems like her favorite toy of the moment is her baby that she has affectionately dubbed "Baby Ila" after her little cousin.  I think it's pretty cute that she prefers to take care of a little girl since she already has a little brother.  Speaking of baby boys and girls, we are learning a bit about gender and it's funny to ask her if someone is a boy or a girl because we are never sure if she is going to get it right or not. 

This morning while I was getting ready for work in the bathroom I could hear Via in her crib singing the ABC's, Ba Ba Black Sheep, and Holy Holy Holy.  She loves to sing and has quite the repertoire.  Justin and I are always hopeful that our kids receive only our best qualities.  In this case, we want her to get Justin's tempo and my pitch.

We were recently at the doctor to have a rash checked out and she weighed in at 29 pounds.  Big girl!  She has an immense love for oatmeal and would eat it for every meal if we let her.  We try to always give her a variety of foods and sometimes she surprises us by actually eating her broccoli.

Last time I updated about Via I talked about having cut out all media.  We've continued with this trend, and I have to say we are still seeing improvement in her behaviour.  It has made me step back and look at how much time I spend dinking around on my phone and wonder how much more emotionally healthy I might be if I simply engage with my surroundings rather than the world wide web. 

#ViaGirl reading to #BrotherSoren


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