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Orange You Glad It's Via's Birthday?

My Little Duck is 2 today.  2 years old.  24 months.  730 days! 

The party:
Over the weekend we had a family birthday party for her, and she was in all kinds of Heaven.  I'm so tickled that my little girl loves her extended family!  We featured an orange theme, and it was something of an orangestravaganza.  For food we noshed on mac & cheese with bacon, cheetos, oranges, and carrots.  We drank orange soda and ate orange cupcakes.  Justin stopped me from putting food coloring in the veggie dip.  I was getting a little out-of-hand.  Via and her cousins played in the cardboard castle that she and daddy built, and then Via opened a massive pile of presents.  The girl is loved. 

Via is a pretty good eater.  She usually tries everything we put in front of her.  Lately our whole family has been loving red, orange, and yellow peppers.  So delicious.

She's been sleeping pretty good lately.  About 11 hours at night and 1-2 hours during the day.

Not sure about her growth stats.  Her well-check appointment is tomorrow!  I'm so nervous about shots, but I'm sure she'll be a brave girl.

What's New:
Via is in a Curious George phase.  She reads his books all the time.  She loves Monkey George.  She likes to play with her new birthday toys.  It's kind of fun having a fresh stash for her to choose from.  The two toys that are currently getting the most use are the baby doll stroller and the Doc McStuffin's dress-up outfit.  She's Dr. Via!  And she tells us all the time.  "I'm a doctor!"  She had a phase where she was pretty interested in the potty, but it seems like she's taking a break from that and we aren't pushing it.  She calls her little toilet the Potty Train.  It's funny what she picks up from hearing Justin and I talk to each other about her.  Oh!  And she also realized that Mom and Dad are actually Robyn and Justin, so she sometimes tries to call us by our first names.  I just tell her, "You can call me Mommy." 

We took Via trick-or-treating for the first time this year and it was so fun.  We just did a few houses on the street, but she loved that we were going to people's houses and they were giving us candy.  The next few days afterwards she kept trying to go trick-or-treating, but I think she finally understands that it's a special thing that you only get to do once a year.

Via's Birthday Cupcake Tonight.  Because the birthday has to be special even if the party already happened.  :)

Love this girl.
Our orange family at the orange party.

 Playing with birthday toys.
 Little Duck and Super Dad!
 Her favorite treat:  cheetos.

 Soren and I didn't dress up, but we bundled up and went along on the trick-or-treat adventure.


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