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Showing posts from 2021

Camp Lunar

My kids are pretty creative and imaginative.  I love this about them.  As I type these words I can hear the three of them playing make believe that they are travelling the world on a hot air balloon, airplane and ship.  Because they have so many creative ideas I have mom guilt about not indulging their every whim.  I try to say "yes" to as much as possible, but I still say "no" plenty. Sometime back in March or April Via made a poster for something called Camp Lunar and posted it in our dining room.  Of course it was a cute idea, but I don't think any of us thought it would happen.  Because these are exactly the types of ideas that don't usually happen. After staring at this poster at every dinner for months I thought, "Why not do a version of this camp?  Why not just take an hour a day for one week and invite our friends over for Camp Lunar?"  So I reached out to the families on the street and they were all down to let their kids participate....

Dream Inn - Spring Break 2021

Last year in March of 2020 we were supposed to go on a big family cruise with Justin's whole family.  I was really looking forward to a fun-in-the-sun family vacation.  And then Covid hit....... and the whole cruise industry shut down along with the rest of the world.  It kinda felt like time stood still.  The kids were abruptly pulled out of school for the extended spring break that turned into virtual school for the remainder of the year.  I began working from home for what I thought might be 4-6 weeks.  It's very sad and funny to look back and think about how wrong we were about so many things.  And might I add, a good reminder that we often think we know "what's what and who's who", and we can all be wrong wrong wrong.  We don't need to be high and mighty know-it-alls.  That's mostly a word for me, but I digress. Instead of going back to school or work in Texas we ended up moving to beautiful Northern California in the summer of 2020...