My kids are pretty creative and imaginative. I love this about them. As I type these words I can hear the three of them playing make believe that they are travelling the world on a hot air balloon, airplane and ship. Because they have so many creative ideas I have mom guilt about not indulging their every whim. I try to say "yes" to as much as possible, but I still say "no" plenty. Sometime back in March or April Via made a poster for something called Camp Lunar and posted it in our dining room. Of course it was a cute idea, but I don't think any of us thought it would happen. Because these are exactly the types of ideas that don't usually happen. After staring at this poster at every dinner for months I thought, "Why not do a version of this camp? Why not just take an hour a day for one week and invite our friends over for Camp Lunar?" So I reached out to the families on the street and they were all down to let their kids participate....
MederFam5. Mostly vegan. Annual Away = Mom and Dad trip w/o the kids. Adventures + mundane = us.