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Showing posts from September, 2012

Preparing A Place

This week I have been working on the nursery.  I really should have taken a "before" picture to contrast with the "afters."  For a few months the room was basically a catchall for all things baby.  No order to anything at all.  After being totally blessed at three different showers, Justin and I went out and bought the rest of the stuff we need to have a baby.  Now that we had all the stuff, it was time to get it together.  My favorite part! As I was preparing the nursery this week I kept thinking about Jesus' words in John 14:2, "I go to prepare a place for you."  Even though Via will only be in her Branson nursery for a very short time, it's important to me to have a place for her - to have a functional space where we are equipped to care for her needs.  It was so fun for me to do everything.  As I was enjoying arranging furniture, washing cloth diapers, and folding blankets, I couldn't help but wonder what kinds of things Jesus is doing ...

Answered Prayer can be Bittersweet.

Last Saturday some of my Branson friends threw a lovely shower.  I believe Adria gets the credit for going with the "About to Pop" theme.  For food they served cake pops (key lime or chocolate, YUM!), jalapeno poppers, popcorn (kettle corn, butter, caramel, and cheese), and pink and orange soda pop.  For party favors there were ring pops, pop rocks, and blow pops.  Everything was terrific, especially the hosts and guests.  There was a point during the shower where everyone went around the room and spoke words of encouragement to me and Justin telling us why we are going to be good parents.  I will always treasure that moment and those kind words, especially when I'm feeling especially defeated.  Another special part of the shower is that every guest filled out a "Dear Via" card.  It was a fill in the blank situation with things like, "I hope you never fear, I hope you love, I hope you inherit, etc."  I can't wait for Via to read the...

She has a face!

It's hard to even know where to begin.  We have been out of town the last two Sundays, so I have not blogged in quite some time.  A lot has happened in the last few weeks.  First of all, we had a splendid time in Jamaica.  We arrived in Montego Bay at about 11 a.m. on Friday, August 31, and we were at the resort, in our suits, and on the beach by 1:00 p.m.  The hotel staff was so accommodating, and everybody seemed to give us preferential treatment due to my big baby belly.  All the guys on staff at the resort would say to Justin, "Much respect, mon!"  Being there and being pregnant was a pretty unique experience.  On Saturday we attended Jack and Stephanie's wedding and reception.  The wedding was beautiful and the reception was mega fun.  Here are a few pics. Waiting for the bride.   Sunset on the beach.   Reception on the boat.   Love this guy and this boat.  So fun!    ...