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New Goal

Since this blog is more or less my scrapbook, I set a goal of blogging twice a month.  My aim is to blog on date of the month that each of my kids were born.  Via was born November third.  Today is July third.  Today I blog about Via. 

Via is such a joy to be around.  She is sweet and bright and a mostly happy little girl.  Bringing Soren home wasn't super easy for her.  It's hard to all of a sudden share your parents when you've previously had them all to yourself.  Her reaction to little brother hurt my feelings a bit.  Since she saw me holding and feeding him so much she clung hard to daddy and didn't want much to do with mommy.  With postpartum hormones going crazy, I did quite a bit of crying the first few days.  It didn't take long for things to level off though.  Via realized Soren wasn't going anywhere and that mommy still loved her.  She still gets whiny about sharing our attention sometimes, but who can blame her?

In terms of her development, she just blows me away.  She is learning her colors and rarely gets them wrong.  She is learning to count and can get from one to ten with just a little bit of help.  Her ability to learn new words and phrases is too fun, and sometimes we abuse privileges by teaching her things simply for the sake of amusing ourselves.  One of our favorites from the past few weeks is, "Grandpa's in Mexico!"  And after Grandpa Larry returned from Mexico we moved on to, "Grandpa's in America!"

Via loves to be outside.  She loves to go in the water (which she calls "Mono"), go for walks, ride on the back of daddy's bike, play with chalk, blow bubbles, and collect rocks and sticks.  I love being home with the whole family over the summer.

Here are a few pictures from the last few weeks.

Cute cabin cousins.  Via loves her cousins and talks about them often.
 Via is obsessed with going places, and one day I found Via and Daddy just playing in the car.

Ready to build something!

Backyard livin'.  Also, best dad award.
 This post isn't about this guy, but I have to include at least one picture.  Such. A. Cutie.

I'll be back on the twenty-first to blog about Soren.  Fingers crossed. 


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