Testify: to show that something is true or real : to give proof of something
After giving birth to Soren I had the normal after-birthing baby pains. I was sore. I felt weak. I thought, this too shall pass. I started to feel better pretty fast, and I was so thankful for a rapid recovery. Justin and I started going on walks with the kiddos and it was great, except for one thing: lingering pain and pressure. Sometimes I couldn't even stay standing up while holding Soren because the feeling of pain and pressure was too great.
Okay, so this is pretty graphic, but after about four weeks of normal post-delivery bleeding and discharge I thought I was pretty much done when all of a sudden the blood returned. Not cool. One of the benefits of breastfeeding is that most of the time you don't get your period until after baby starts the weaning process. Great, I must be the exception to the rule. Boo! However, I still had lingering pain and pressure to where I thought, maybe just maybe, this isn't my period but rather something else.
Due to funny scheduling I couldn't get in for my 6-week postpartum checkup until I was 7 weeks postpartum. The day before my appointment I was still bleeding and having the pain come and go. Justin and I were on the couch and he said, "Robyn, I feel so stupid, we haven't even prayed about this." I am a bit of a doubter when it comes to faith healing, because, quite honestly there are people - family members even - in my life who I have asked God to heal for years, and I still haven't gotten the immediate answer of healing that I want. But what kind of pastor's wife would I be if I said, "Uh, thanks, but no thanks, honey. I'm done asking God for healing."
So we prayed.
We sat on the couch and prayed.
We prayed for a few different things, but we zeroed in on asking for healing.
After we were done praying Justin said, "He's going to do it. I felt a release during the second half of the prayer and he's going to do it."
So I went and saw the mid-wife the next day. I told her about the pressure and the bleeding and she said she'd take a look, but that it was probably just extended recovery time and that I was probably having my period. She checked me out and said that my uterus still felt a little bit large, but that was probably due to my period. According to her, everything looked good. Great! There's nothing wrong. Now I just have to wait to fully recover.
I went home and told Justin that I was all-clear and we thanked God that I was healthy.
The next evening we were playing in Via's room and I was holding Soren. All of a sudden I needed to be in the bathroom. I practically threw the baby at Justin and ran for the toilet. As soon as I sat down it was as if I was having another baby. No joke. Something (probably a leftover piece of placenta) came out of me and then tons of blood and clots. I was a little bit terrified, but mostly I felt a release, like this is what I had been waiting for. I called the on-call doctor and explained what was going on. She said that if I wasn't dizzy or feverish and wasn't worried, then it was probably fine for me to stay home and wait it out. The excessive bleeding slowed way down after an hour or so and I felt so great! Instantly lighter. The pressure was gone!
In the days that followed I was floating. Seriously. Justin and I were blown away by God's answer to prayer and hand of healing in my life. And it felt so good to be back to normal! Praise be to God.
I'm here to testify. Prayer works. It may not always be the answer we want. It may not always be the timing we want. But He hears us. He cares.
After giving birth to Soren I had the normal after-birthing baby pains. I was sore. I felt weak. I thought, this too shall pass. I started to feel better pretty fast, and I was so thankful for a rapid recovery. Justin and I started going on walks with the kiddos and it was great, except for one thing: lingering pain and pressure. Sometimes I couldn't even stay standing up while holding Soren because the feeling of pain and pressure was too great.
Okay, so this is pretty graphic, but after about four weeks of normal post-delivery bleeding and discharge I thought I was pretty much done when all of a sudden the blood returned. Not cool. One of the benefits of breastfeeding is that most of the time you don't get your period until after baby starts the weaning process. Great, I must be the exception to the rule. Boo! However, I still had lingering pain and pressure to where I thought, maybe just maybe, this isn't my period but rather something else.
Due to funny scheduling I couldn't get in for my 6-week postpartum checkup until I was 7 weeks postpartum. The day before my appointment I was still bleeding and having the pain come and go. Justin and I were on the couch and he said, "Robyn, I feel so stupid, we haven't even prayed about this." I am a bit of a doubter when it comes to faith healing, because, quite honestly there are people - family members even - in my life who I have asked God to heal for years, and I still haven't gotten the immediate answer of healing that I want. But what kind of pastor's wife would I be if I said, "Uh, thanks, but no thanks, honey. I'm done asking God for healing."
So we prayed.
We sat on the couch and prayed.
We prayed for a few different things, but we zeroed in on asking for healing.
After we were done praying Justin said, "He's going to do it. I felt a release during the second half of the prayer and he's going to do it."
So I went and saw the mid-wife the next day. I told her about the pressure and the bleeding and she said she'd take a look, but that it was probably just extended recovery time and that I was probably having my period. She checked me out and said that my uterus still felt a little bit large, but that was probably due to my period. According to her, everything looked good. Great! There's nothing wrong. Now I just have to wait to fully recover.
I went home and told Justin that I was all-clear and we thanked God that I was healthy.
The next evening we were playing in Via's room and I was holding Soren. All of a sudden I needed to be in the bathroom. I practically threw the baby at Justin and ran for the toilet. As soon as I sat down it was as if I was having another baby. No joke. Something (probably a leftover piece of placenta) came out of me and then tons of blood and clots. I was a little bit terrified, but mostly I felt a release, like this is what I had been waiting for. I called the on-call doctor and explained what was going on. She said that if I wasn't dizzy or feverish and wasn't worried, then it was probably fine for me to stay home and wait it out. The excessive bleeding slowed way down after an hour or so and I felt so great! Instantly lighter. The pressure was gone!
In the days that followed I was floating. Seriously. Justin and I were blown away by God's answer to prayer and hand of healing in my life. And it felt so good to be back to normal! Praise be to God.
I'm here to testify. Prayer works. It may not always be the answer we want. It may not always be the timing we want. But He hears us. He cares.
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