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March 1 - Soren's 9 Month Update (just a little belated)

February 21 marked Soren's 9 month "birthday."  I'm only a little behind on this update which is not all that bad.  If I get my life together I might even actually get Via's update blog out on March 3! Hard to believe that's only one month shy of my 28 year update.  Oofta.  

Yesterday Justin and I went on a date.  We had a cute little high school junior watch our kids while we ran out for just under 3 hours. We love dates! It's always nice to be away for just a bit to refocus on each other.  As we were walking out to the garage Justin commented on how old we are.  I mean - we are many moons away from stepping into retirement, but we are getting to the place where it feels like leaving our kids with a junior in high school is a little unnerving.  She's just a kid for crying out loud, and we are entrusting our kids to her care? We usually have family babysit, so this truly was a new experience for us. And obviously she did great. The goal is always to keep the kids alive, and she certainly accomplished that for us.  Goal #2 is "Did Via want to give her a goodbye hug?" Again, resounding yes! So, Justin and I are old and we hire high school-aged babysitters. And I'm not even 30.

Soren is 29 years and 3 months younger than 30, so let's focus on him.

Physical milestones:  Since I last posted Soren has put together the concepts of getting up on all fours and army crawling.  He is full out crawling, and if that isn't enough he decided that it's better to stand than to sit.  He pulls up on everything! We are really enjoying watching him crawl around, because Via more or less skipped crawling.  She started taking steps before she started crawling, so by the time she figured crawling out she only used it to crawl to something where she could pull up and keep on walking.

Eating:  Soren still eats babyfood for every meal as well as about 30 ounces of formula per day.  We have started to give him more solid food like puffs, graham crackers, whole wheat toast, and scrambled eggs.  He does pretty well with self-feeding - the eggs give him a bit of a challenge.  They are just so darn slippery.

Sleep:  A few weeks back Soren decided that he like a pacifier.  Weird, right?  Kid goes 8.5 months without it and then decides it might be nice to use one.  So we now have this battle of enjoying the fact that he puts himself to sleep super quick while sucking on his paci, but sometimes he wakes up in the night and won't go back to sleep until we pop it back in.  So it's nice, but it's also kind of a hassle. We usually try naps and bedtime sleep without the paci, but if he puts up a struggle or wakes up in the night we give in and go back to sleep.  :) So, he's doing a morning nap, an afternoon nap, and about 11 hours of nighttime sleep.  

Words:  No.  Soren is not talking yet, but he's kind of starting to give language a try.  He does this thing where he makes kind of a monkey face and says, "Oh, oh, oh."  You can tell that he's trying to say more.  It's pretty sweet.

Via: I know.  Not her post, but I still have to mention something.  Potty training is going great!  She has only had one accident since I last blogged and it happened at Gabe's house.  We dropped Via and Soren off for a few hours of playtime and I didn't even think about the whole "potty" thing since she does so well with us.  Apparently, she started telling Gabe she had to go pretty much right as she was going. I learned that in new situations I need to be very intentional about reminding Via to tell XYZ person when she needs to go potty.  Last night when the new babysitter was here I gave this method a try and Via did just fine.  

Here are a few recent pics.

Soren making his monkey face and saying, "Oh, oh, oh."

 Bath time beh-bey.

 "I'm standing!"

His new paci habit.

 I went to my parents house on Friday before going to my Dad's basketball game. Via went MIA and I found her like this.  Chilling with a stack of books in my old room.  :)


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