It's been a long time since I last updated. Way too long. Last time I updated was in June. We were still living in Oakdale - not even thinking about selling our house and moving. Boy has a lot changed. Justin was a teency bit frustrated by his job search. With church positions, generally you start in youth ministry. This is all fine and good, except that Justin's passion isn't necessarily for youth, and he's not really one to fake a passion. It's just not in him. So in his frustration he ended up meeting up with Scott Woller - lead pastor and founder of Corner Church in Minneapolis. Corner Church is super awesome. Scott and Amber started Corner Church in Corner Coffee 10 years ago. They now have two church locations and both meet in coffee shops - Corner Coffee and The Beat. The vision is to continue to plant churches in businesses in Minneapolis. They are super community-driven. Justin and I decided that ...
MederFam5. Mostly vegan. Annual Away = Mom and Dad trip w/o the kids. Adventures + mundane = us.